CG LIVE Substance Painter
03 Jul 2017
【CG LIVE 課程】 Substance Painter – 3D Texture繪製入門 , 送【Substance Designer 製作入門】(原價$890) – 兩個課程課現只需 HK$1,200 / 7月25日或之前報名,可享早鳥價 $1,080
>> 8月4日開課 !!!
課程內容 :
1. Analyze reference (分析參考圖片)
2. UV with Headus UV layout
3. Set up file structure
4. Bake and prepare supportive textures
5. Naming convention in production
6. Layering structure in substance painter
7. Produce materials and masks
8. Utilize material ID
9. Create smart material and trouble shoot some minor bugs.