E-on Software to Preview Vue 8 Professional Solutions at Siggraph 2009
E-on Software 在Siggraph 2009 中 展示最新 Vue 8: Digital Nature 軟件!!

Wayne Robson annouce ‘MudWalker’ & ‘ReLight’ plug-ins for Mudbox 2010
Mudbox¤j®vWayne Robsonµoªí¨â¤j¥~¨ö’MudWalker’¤Î’ReLight’ ©óMudbox2010¨Ï¥Î
gDEBugger on iPhone
gDEBugger 的iphone版 , 支援OpenGL ESR 1.1 及 2.0 . 令iphone上製作3D圖象效能提昇~免費Beta下載

Autodesk annouced Maya 2010 , Motionbuilder 2010 , Softimage 2010 and mudbox 2010
Autodesk 於Siggraph 2009中宣布一系列新軟件:Maya 2010 , Motionbuilder 2010 , Softimage 2010 and mudbox 2010, 當中的Maya2010 將不再分complete 及unlimited 版本,統一後還加入一強勁的合成處理介面(Toxik?)

Pixologic, Inc. Announcing ZBrush 3.5 and GoZ for Windows and MacOSX
Pixologic 推出 Zbrush 3.5 及 GoZ … 於Window及Mac系統使用

Pixar Announces unlimited threading, RenderManR Pro Server™ 15.0 and Tractor™1.0
Pixar 宣佈其下產品可無限交叉 threading 以及推出Renderman Pro Server 15及渲染管理方案 – Tractor 1.0

Sony Pictures Imageworks Launches Open Source Program
Sony Pictures Imageworks 回饋業界 , 發放多個Open Source 項目 , 當中有 : OSL(Open Shading Language) ;Scala Migrations
(Database library manager) ;Field3d (Voxel data storage library) ;pyString(Python string handling in C++)及Maya Reticle (Flexible camera guides for Maya) , 用家可在網站下載及使用.