19 Scientific And Technical Achievements To Be Honored With Academy AwardsR

10 Jan 2014

美國電影藝術與科學學院(奧斯卡金像獎)公布 今年的19個科技成果獎項
Technical Achievement Award 有關技術開發人員 : ILM 的 Plume system ; FLUX gas simulation system ; Mudbox ; Weta Digital 的 Spherical harmonics-based efficient lighting system ; Zeno application framework ; Voodoo application framework ; HoverCam ; Physically Based Rendering ; deep compositing ; deep shadowing technology ; Pneumatic Car Flipper ; ASC CDL 及OpenColorIO

Scientific & Engineering Achievement Award有關技術開發人員 :ZBrush ; Monte Carlo path tracing for image synthesis ; FiLMBOX 及 Flying-Cam SARAH 3.0 system