First Greater China Illustration Awards Winner
第一屆中華區插畫獎頒獎禮日前已經舉行完畢,部份得獎名單如下,恭喜所有得獎者 !!!
The Best Illustration (Advertising) Award
Winner : 李秋明 LEE Chow Ming《全新Polo FSI Brand New Polo FSI》
The Best Illustration (Publication & Editorial) Award
Winner : 王家珠 WANG Chia Chu《虎姑婆 Aunt Tigress》
The Best Illustration (Multi – Media) Award
Winner : Tania WILLIS《香港兒童地圖 Hong Kong Children’s Map》
The Best Illustration (Self – Initiation & For Sale) Award
Winner : 蒲輝傑 PU Huijie《城市印象 Impressions of the City》
The Best Illustration (Unpublished) Award
Winner : 柴源 (幕斯) CHAI Yuan (Moss)《彩虹世界 Rainbow World》
The Best Illustration (Hong Kong Student) Award
Winner : 吳惠芳 NG Wai Fong // 香港專業教育學院(沙田分校)Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin) 《香港人身份迷失之誰是誰 Who am I?》
巡迴作品展現已展開 !! – 九龍塘 創新中心 / 太古坊 / 數碼港 /藝林畫廊 / IVE KT /Poly U